Take ActionContact the Jackson County Board of Commissioners and express your opposition to the proposed quarry. mseagraves@jacksoncountygov. jhix@jacksoncountygov.com Jim Hix District 1 chardy@jacksoncountygov.com cbingham@jacksoncountygov.com mclark@jacksoncountygov.com tcrow@jacksoncountygov.com BOC chair
Drug Take-Back Program: Drug drop boxes are located in the lobby of the Jackson County Sheriff's Office or Commerce and Jefferson's Police Departments. Jackson County Sheriff's Office: 555 Jackson Pkwy, Jefferson, GA 30549, near the courthouse. Citizens for Sustainable Jackson welcomes your input and energy! If you are interested in volunteering, getting more information, or becoming involved, please contact Babs McDonald at mcdonaldbabs@gmail.com, or citizensforsustainablejackson@gmail.com. | |||||